Undergraduate Success Plan

These are ideas of what to incorporate into your college or semester plan that will help you focus on your academic career and cultivate a healthy work-life balance during your time here at Tulane and beyond. Bookmark this page and refer back to it often throughout the semester to assess your yourself. 

Every Semester

Utilize the Academic Learning & Tutoring Center. It houses academic resources such as individual peer tutoring, supplemental instruction, the Academic Writing Center, and free computer services with access to programs such as Adobe Creative Cloud. 

Attend Success Workshops. It's your time to brush up on study skills, time management techniques, note and test-taking strategies and more.

Visit each instructor’s office hours at least once.  Introduce yourself and ask a few questions about succeeding in the course. These interactions could lead to a long term relationship resulting in research opportunities and a reference for future employment or advanced education.

Meet with your Academic Advisor. Every Newcomb-Tulane College student is assigned a professional academic advisor who is committed to your personal, academic and professional success. Advisors can also connect you to information, tools, and resources that empower you to make informed decisions about creating appropriate academic and career plans to achieve your goals.

Schedule an appointment with a Newcomb-Tulane College Career Coach. Explore your interests, abilities, and career values. Identify and prepare to apply for internships, research, education abroad, service, and leadership opportunities. Research career options or graduate programs that connect to your academic program and your long-term goals. Develop your resume and practice interview skills.

Use the Academic Calendar and Your Class Syllabi. Stay on top of Tulane's deadlines for changing your courses or your grade options with the academic calendar. Make note of important assignments and how much they're worth towards your final grade as well.

Attend Campus Events. Tulane's WaveSync and Newcomb-Tulane College's weekly newsletter, the NTC Notice, are two great resources to find both fun and academic-focused events on campus.

First Year: Awareness & Adjustment

Second Year: Exploration

Third Year: Experience

  • Use Handshake to search for, apply for, and arrange internships.
  • Attend Career Fairs and career events to gain career information and connect with employers.
  • Investigate graduate/professional school programs and develop a timeline for admission tests and applications.
  • Consider taking TYLR 3000: TAYLOR Your Life, an eight-week career development program that aids students in planning their life course. 
  • Meet with a Career Coach to discuss your long-term goals, update your resume, and plan your next steps.
  • Confirm your graduation requirements with your Academic Advisor before registering for classes in your last two semesters.

Fourth/Fifth Year: Beyond Tulane

  • Identify references for jobs or graduate school among faculty, advisors and employers.
  • Begin a professional job search early.  If you are graduating in May, start in the fall. Meet with a Career Coach to discuss strategies and resources.
  • Connect with employers by attending Career Fairs and career events and using Handshake to find jobs.
  • Apply for graduate or professional programs well in advance of established deadlines.
  • Participate in a mock employment or admissions interview with a Career Coach.
  • Apply for graduation with you Academic Advisor early in the semester you plan to finish.