Meet the Peer Success Leaders

Yazmeen Allen

Yazmeen Allen

Yazmeen is a Senior from New Orleans, Louisiana majoring in Neuroscience and Psychology on the Pre-Med track. Aside from serving as a PSL, she is also a Peer Wellness Representative and Community Engagement Advocate on campus. In her free time, she loves golfing, shopping, going on adventures, and spending time with her family!

Favorite Thing About TU: It’s in the city I was born and raised in! 

Tip for Success: Make sure you nurture your spiritual wellness! For me, spiritual wellness and having a sense of faith that everything will work out for me is what keeps me motivated!

Specialty Topics: Organization, schedule building, planning, goal setting, communication, personal wellness.

Makenna Eisenstock

Makenna Eisenstock 

Makenna is a Sophomore from Grafton, Massachusetts majoring in Political Science and Psychology with a minor is SLAM. In addition to being a PSL, Makenna is also involved as a Peer mentor for the first-year seminar TIDES classes. Makenna is also on the club volleyball team and is a member of a sorority. She loves dogs, the beach, listening to new music, sandwiches, and going on walks!

Favorite Thing About TU: The abundance of activities offered to students. There is always something fun happening on campus!

Tip for Success: Try your best to stay organized. The planner offered by Tulane is so helpful as it is specialized to the Tulane schedule!

Specialty Topics: College Transition, Organization, Mental Health, Time Management, Problem solving and Connecting with Campus Resources 

Amarya Levy-Mazie

Amarya Levy-Mazie 

Amarya is a Sophomore from Brooklyn, New York double majoring in Economics and Mathematics with a minor in Jewish Studies. Aside from peer success coaching, she works as a Peer Mentor for a TIDES Seminar and for the Healthcare Innovation Scholar Society, holds a spot on the executive board of Afterschool Newcomb Tutoring (ANT) as a Senior Tutor, and is active at Hillel. Outside of school, she loves going on walks with friends, listening to music, travelling, solving crossword puzzles, and trying new restaurants and cafes! 

Favorite Thing About TU: The uplifting environment cultivated by all of Tulane’s amazing professors, dedicated and passionate students, and the beautiful scenery we all get to enjoy every day!

Tip for Success: Find time to celebrate your successes before moving on to what to do next—you don’t need to finish everything at once. Acknowledging your achievements along the way will motivate you and give you the energy you need to remain successful!

Specialty Topics: Time Management, Organization, Study Skills, Goal Setting, Work-School-Life Balance, Forming Positive Habits, Wellness on Campus, Bridging the Transition to College & NOLA.

Sinead O'Connor

Sinéad O'Connor

Sinéad is a Senior from Westchester, NY majoring in International Relations and Philosophy with minors in Spanish and History. Aside from serving as a PSL, she was on the Board of Directors for orientation, and is also a scholar society peer mentor, and first year seminar peer mentor.  She is also the Social Chair of Tulane’s prelaw fraternity, PAD, and the Executive Director of Crawfest. She loves reading, baking, Pilates, and hanging out with her friends and family.

Favorite Thing About TU: The broad range of experiences that students have and the flexibility of classes, clubs, and more.  Tulane has opportunities and excitement for everyone – there is always more to try!

Tip for Success: Stay organized and remember what’s ultimately important for you.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and always share your struggles and your successes with your loved ones!

Specialty Topics: Organization, time management, campus resources, listening, Tulane community involvement, study skills, mental health prioritization, self-care, work-life balance, problem solving, detail orientation.

Catarina Vazquez

Catarina Vazquez

Catarina is a Junior from San Marcos, Texas majoring in Anthropology. Aside from serving as a PSL, she is also a Newcomb Scholar and a Newcomb Peer Mentor. She loves reading, thrifting, and going on walks with her friends in Audubon.

Favorite Thing About TU: The amazing, supportive community made up of professors, staff, and students that want to see each other succeed.    

Tip for Success: Be patient with yourself as you figure out what works best for you and don’t hesitate to ask for help or support from the people around you! 

Specialty Topics: Time management, schedule building, planning, note taking, study skills, exam tips, work-life balance, goal setting, communication, personal wellness, connecting with campus resources.

Danielle Weber

Danielle Weber

Danielle is a senior from Duluth, Minnesota majoring in Public Health and Economics with a minor in Entrepreneurial Business. Aside from being a Peer Success Leader, she is involved in Tulane Peer Health Educators, MEDlife, Public Health Society, first-year experience, Office of Study Abroad, and Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity. She loves to travel, her dogs, to try new local restaurants, hiking, and hanging out with friends.  

Favorite Thing About TU: The ease of exploring multiple interests! You are always encouraged to try new things and find what makes you unique!  

Tip for Success: Schedule your priorities, not priorities your schedule! Make sure you make time for what you love and what makes you happy!  

Specialty Topics: Organization, Work-Life Balance, College Transition, Planning, and Planning 

Candace Weeden

Candace Weeden

Candace Weeden is a sophomore from St. Louis, MO. She is double majoring in Neuroscience and Cellular & Molecular Biology with a minor in Public Health. She is involved in off-campus research, the Public Health Society, working as a community educator for the Alzheimer's Association, and as an Outreach Coach for the American Cancer Society. Outside of this, she enjoys running, reading, the show Supernatural, and traveling with friends.

Favorite Thing About TU: How helpful the professors are when it comes to career advancement and giving advice.

Tip for Success: Take time to organize your space and truly make it yours. Once you do this it will be easier to organize other aspects of your life because you'll have a stable base.

Specialty Topics: Time Management Finding Research Opportunities, Scheduling, Organization, College Transition, Forming Networks, The Pre-Med Experience.

Sophie Lesniak

Sophie Lesniak


Sophie is a junior from Houston, Texas, double majoring in Finance and Management with a minor in Spanish, along with a Certificate in Energy. In addition to serving as a PSL, she is the Treasurer of Alpha Phi Omega, the Director of Member Finances for her sorority—Delta Delta Delta, a member of the Leadership Board for the Tulane Consulting Group, and a Peer Mentor. Outside of school, Sophie loves to continue to explore New Orleans, to find new restaurants, to go on walks, to travel, and to spend time with friends!

Favorite Thing About TU: There is something for everybody! A club, organization, resource, or pass time!

Tip for Success: Put yourself and what is important to you first! 

Specialty Topics: Organization, Goal Setting, Study Skills, Wellness on Campus, Resources on Campus, Problem Solving, Time Management, Scheduling, and Opportunities on Campus.

Walter Herasymiuk

Walter Herasymiuk


Walter is a Senior from Baton Rouge, Louisiana majoring in Mathematics and Philosophy. In addition to his role as a PSL, he is the president of both Philosophy Club and FIMRC. Outside of school, Walter enjoys running, going out to new restaurants in New Orleans, doing the wordle and mini crossword, and hanging out with friends.

Favorite Thing About TU: All the friends I have made through my classes, clubs, and social events.

Tip for Success: Get sleep! Studying until 1 AM may work for a while but burn out is real. Make sure to get a good night’s sleep to reenergize yourself and your focus. 

Specialty Topics: Organization, Schedule Building, Planning, Goal Setting, Communication Skills, Time Management, Study Skills, Resource Access, Math Performance Assistance, Essay Help, Performance.

Kyla McClary

Kyla McClary 

Kyla is a junior from Palisade, Colorado doubling majoring in Political Science and Environmental Studies with minors in Public Policy and Spanish. She is also the Vice President of Membership for CHAARG. In her free time, Kyla loves to explore New Orleans, crochet, play volleyball, and watch movies and tv shows.

Favorite Thing About TU: How interdisciplinary classes are between the different schools and the school wide encouragement to try new things and find what works for you!

Tip for Success: Ask questions and ask for help before you feel like you’re in over your head. 

Specialty Topics: Schedule Building, Goal Setting, Personal Wellness, Campus Resource Connection, College Transition, Problem Solving.